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Have you ever rubbed your erection up against a sleeping person and begun groping them? If you answered 'no' then you're doing better in life than my ex-friend, the protagonist of this game.

A short interactive story about my experience with fuzzy boundaries and the grey areas surrounding consent. Spoiler alert: You should always ask before touching someone in a sexual way, especially if they are sleeping.

This game was showcased at the Freeplay Independent Games Festival 2018.


If the content of this game has affected you in very negative ways please consider reaching out to local sources of help. Here in the UK a reliable helpline is: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you/contact-us

If you would like to learn more about consent:






#WhyIDidntReport (I have since reported the incident, but I'll keep the hash tag as it took years of courage to come forwards.)


Want to give back? Buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/laurieraye

PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 3.9 out of 5 stars
(182 total ratings)
AuthorLaurie Raye
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsCasual, consent, Dark, LGBT, Meaningful Choices, NSFW, Short, Story Rich, Text based, Twine
Average sessionA few minutes
AccessibilitySubtitles, One button


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Don't rape your friend.zip 89 kB


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Take great notice to how easy it is to not be a damn rapist


I played, or let's say, went through every possible route and it's fuckin sad and irritating (the 'you' in it) to read. But I still wanted to, because I think that's what the author wanted to express and I'd like to see it through.  The congratulation on how you didn't rape your friend was heartbreaking.  You don't deserve any of this and I'm really glad you feel better now.


This is saddening and depressing but also very eye opening. Educational wise.. this might help with people distinguishing between what is and isn't consent. This type of 'game' should be put in sexEd classes. Hope you feel better fr


This was awful hope your feeling better


I'm so sorry this happened to you, I hope you are better now, but know that even if you aren't you can take all the time you need to heal.

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I don't this is based on a true story. 

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This is messed up.

I feel sick to my soul.

You deserve better than this, any other living person doesn't deserve this.

I hope you feel better, and I am very sorry that you had to experience this.


[Play Again?]

Yeah, I've lost my appetite. This sucked to read.
All I can ever say is I hope you truly are... better.

Though it was pretty obvious the kind of silence I would hear after I was done reading... It's very loud.


This game’s easy.


you see now me personally


oh- this is horrible:( i really hope you're ok now, and nothing bad happens to u again,i'm so very sorry:((


oh my darling i am so so very sorry you were violated so so horribly. no one deserves that and i sincerely hope you're doing better now.


DO NOT share the same bed with any man/woman unless they are a sibling or sexual partner. Once you start sharing a bed it becomes more than platonic. Sorry that you had to be put in that situation hope others can learn from this.


i think you should go play in traffic !


sharing a bed is NOT consent. don't be a piece of garbage.


i feel for you... i hope you're doing good now<3


This is my first time writing a comment and wow this is alot to take in when you fully process what happened here has actually happened to someone,all of that couldve been avoided but it sadly wasnt


im here for you, i'm so sorry this happened to you and you didn't deserve it, i know how you feel as something similar to this happened to me while i was at a mental health treatment facility. it's a really shitty thing, and you aren't alone in this.

 don't be afraid to reach out for help.


There are the sympathetic people, the pathetic people, the edgy teens who grew up with the “wrong” friend group,  the people who just thought this was a fetish game, then the people who wouldn’t know

this comment section was painful to scroll through

i saw this game while scrolling and was so morbidly curious, i just had to know what exactly it was. now im quite sad.


Puh, this is heavy... I had to try four times to get through this. Sometimes I like playing games that portray things I wouldn't do in real life. But this felt real. I didn't like that. The reason I played through this is, it kinda feels important to stop for a moment and just listen. I'm sorry you had to go through this and I hope you're better now. Kind regards 

(1 edit) (+3)

i am so sorry for you, you did not have to go throught this


I was not prepared for this description.
I am so sorry that someone violated you like this, I hope you have healed over time.


i did not know  that this was based of the event that you was SA, im so sorry you went through that. i hope your ex-friend got lock up!


There is no rape in this game. Boring.


I'm so sorry you went through that 

also you all in the comments being offensive to the creator unkindly shut up and go to hell what is wrong with you people 


dear game creator,

jesus, i am so sorry for this comment section. this is a powerful, creative and not negative way to cope and honestly these mofos need to think before they comment. keep slaying, because you're doing better than i am. i still havent come out against him and he said he was the victim so he wouldnt get in trouble. 

with love,



goddamn this comment section is fucking disgsuting, this game is telling a story the author expierenced through the SA'ers POV, you guys are fucking rancid, they're trying to cope 

(1 edit) (+16)(-1)

I think making a game about your traumatic event is a good way to educate people about it and a good coping mechanism


I hope that putting this out there has helped you, and more, that it can help others in the same or similar situations. Well done for working your way through this enough to be able to express it.


Im so sorry that this happened to you. i cant even explain how much i hope you are doing better.  i didnt think it would be this bad i got caught off guard by the amount of description put into this. i entered out of morbid curiosity and left hoping you are alright.


I am really sorry this happened to you. I'm struggling a bit to express that I'm grateful that you created a powerful piece of art like this without making it seem like some silver lining bullshit, but thank you for sharing. 


I really went into this thinking it would be one of those games that share a trauma with me but I couldn't relate to and dear god was I wrong. I'm so sorry this happened to you dev, I understand the pain and frustration.


i never played this because i thought it was fetishizing it. eventually looked out of morbid curiosity.



what the fuck man


The comment section of this game is fucking rancid, jesus christ. 


Another thing, which you clearly don't seem to understand, is that hugging does not equal rape. If so, then everybody is a rapist for hugging their family members and friends.


shut up


it not hugging that is bad, it's forcing and/or pressuring others to have intimate physical contact that is, it can be uncomfortable and specialy when you don't know what the person pressuring you have in mind 


first of all, you pressure amy/laurie into hugging (A CLEAR PROBLEM) and if you play more you gradually fall into the category we call rape


Why is this uploaded here? there is no gameplay, or even visuals. simply writing text which we are forced to do one choice, or we fail is not a proper game. Please, if you're going to make a "game" like this again, change your mind and don't publish it. this game gets a 0/10, it might as well just be a novel. Better luck in your next games.


ayo, my guy.

stfu please for the love of god.

there is clearly a point to this game or novel or whatever the hell you wanna call it.

that you are missing. And no a hug isnt rape. But touching someone and forcing yourself on them is. Also don't hug a person if they do not want you to, all type of physical interaction should have consent for the love of god.  and is seems you didn't even finish.....im just tired

ok point of the comment. Your "gameplay" evaluation is bs and your opinion is unwelcome. This is someone telling there experience also its a  "short interactive story". It's in the description. Its not a game.

its a story and it SAYS IT

my god.

anyway please please ruminate on why you decided to leave this type of comment on this specific game and maybe talk to someone, see why you reacted like this. Cus my god you are missing the point that's slapping you in the face  


Cope, commie.


your sad

like really sad lol





"You're* sad

like really sad lol"


bro liked his own comment


youre going to die alone


How so? For giving an honest evaluation on a "story" (if we can even call it that) which quite frankly, it's shit. 


look, bub. if you want a rape game with visuals, you are obviously in the wrong place. this isn't a game. it's like one of those "choose your own adventure" style stories, where you have your safe/ good ending where nobody has a bad experience (in which I am certain the dev/ maker of this experience would rather have happened), and then you have your not so good neutral endings. then there's the "true path" of events that actually happened. putting it together in this simple form is difficult enough, they don't need some clueless horndog pissing on something that took actual bravery to post up for the world to see. go touch grass.

(1 edit) (-9)

it doesnt take bravery to post words anonymously on the internet. this was posted on a gaming website. also, i havent touched my PC in about 100 days. so take that for "touching grass" edit: its been somewhere from 100-150 days. about half a year.


wow, I need to start logging into itchio more often so thati can respond faster to stupidity like this post. I think the fact that this is in the form of a text based experience, and available for anybody to "play", makes it that much braver than your keyboard warrior bravado gives it credit for, go back to Twitter if all you are going to do is spread cancer like it's butter on toast.

(1 edit) (+1)

wow, seems like somebody 's parents clearly didn't love their child enough to teach them basic fucking respect for other human beings and their trauma

learn some goddamn manners you corpulent fice


Respect? All that I am doing is criticizing somebody's artistic work, which is completely fine and normal. You're the ones who don't seem to understand that

(1 edit) (+16)(-3)

I am posting this before playing I am not forward to this but... I want to see if I'm now strong enough to handle it (I was raped myself)... if not, I've got a pack of cigarettes ready for me.

I'll edit with my reaction... just to say if I was strong enough... 

Edit: Damn... not ready... I was not ready... Oh God... I'm so so so sorry that you went through this... 


reading your comment and im sorry you also went through that. i hope you are doing alright

(1 edit) (+16)(-2)

I think a lot of you fail to realize (cough cough seofts) that this is a story based off someone who touched the creator of this.

It literally says so in the description.


this is heartbraking.

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